Reducing Food Waste One Day At A Time.

China's Food Waste Issue

According to The Chinese Academy of Sciences, 17 to 18 million tons of food were wasted at the point of consumption in 2015 in four of China's biggest cities, which is enough to feed 50 million people per year. The issue is so extreme that landfills are reaching maximum capacity and are unable to meet pollution-control standards. If not dealt with, this can lead to major environmental, hygiene, and safety problems.

What is 天天有余?

The 天天有余 (tiān tiān yǒuyú) WeChat Mini-Program helps organizations take action against food waste by providing a mobile platform for people to save delicious surplus food through a give and take system.

Our Mission

We want to inspire everyone to take action against food waste. Our
天天有余 Mini Program makes it easy to start combating food waste with just a few clicks.

Food Waste

How It Works

Get Involved

Step 1: Sign Up As An Administrator

To setup the mini program within your organization, you must first search for the 天天有余 Mini Program - Administrator Version in WeChat and sign up as an administrator. The administrator is someone who wants to start a system in their own organization to reduce food waste. Their responsibilities include setting up the logistics of the system and promoting the mini program and initiative, getting people on board with the system.

Step 2: Distribute QR Codes

Once the admin finishes setting up the logistics of the system and the organization is fully integrated into the mini program, we will send the administrator a QR Code. This QR code must be distributed in the organization, whether by word or mouth or put up on poster, allowing people to join the mini program seamlessly.

Step 3: User Sign Up

People in your organization will scan the QR codes to join 天天有余. After scanning the QR code, the individual will be asked to join their respective organization and fill out information on their food and notification preferences. Upon completing the setup, the profile will be complete and the mini-program is ready to use.

Taking Picture on Phone


Do you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback? We'd love to hear from you!

Start Combating Food Waste Today.

Scan QR Code To Explore the Mini Program

QR Code

If you are interested, download now.

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